Ventilation grills

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Ventilation grills

The aerator is an integral part of the ventilation system of a room. Being the starting point of the system, it brings in a controlled way clean air inside the home.

In order to avoid the problems of health, discomfort and sustainability of the home, a good ventilation is essential. Solutions such as window opening or natural ventilation are insufficient and have thermal and acoustic consequences, which is why Redacom recommends using ventilation grilles.

Higro-adjustable aerator

The aerator maintains a constant flow regardless of climatic conditions, automatically adjusting its flow according to humidity.

It is characterized by a sill that can be oriented at the time of installation, which allows it to adapt its airflow according to the position of the window in relation to the ceiling, for maximum comfort of the inhabitants.

Self-adjusting aerator

Self-adjusting aerators are designed to protect the ventilation holes of windows or walls from any kind of weather or water infiltration. They can provide functions such as sound insulation and insect protection. They come in two different colors: white or brown.

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    “ Quality Services & Excellent Work!”

    Materiale de calitate , preturi in tonul pieti.

    Gabriel Balogh


    Am Instalat ceva timp ferestre din aluminiu. Departamentul de vanzari mi-a dat toate detaliile despre geamuri, INstalarea a durat relativ putin iar instalatorii ai facut foarte putin praf.

    Acum ma gandesc sa schimb si usiile .


    Popescu Liviu


    Am apelat la REDACOM SERV . si am fost foarte multumit de calitatea serviciului prestat si atentia pentru detalii . Mentionez ca am avut o experienta dezamagitoare anterior cu o alta firma de termopan gasita pe net si am fost placut surprins de data asta . Multumesc.

    Adrian Troaca
