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A quality ironwork guarantees optimal operation and security of the joinery, being an indispensable element in the production of a joinery. Our carpentry is equipped with WINKHAUS or Maco ironwork. We offer our clients a wide range, characterized by quality and design.

Benefits of ironwork:

– High reliability.

– Perfect tightness.

– Manufacturer’s guarantee for an average of 15 000 closing and opening cycles.

– Multi-point closure elements.

– Anti-theft systems Wk1 or Wk2.

Our carpenters are equipped as standard with the Active Cruise from Winkhaus.

This system has an anti-mishandling component that protects you from the handling errors when opening in the normal or oscillating swing position.

It is also equipped with a SECUSTIK handle secured against attempts to open from the outside, at the same time you also have a controlled ventilation system.


Optionally you can choose the Multi-Matic system from Maco, which gives you an optimal and precise operation of the carpentry. In standard equipment, the hardware offers the following advantages: a practical 13mm micro-ventilation and the anti-mishandling system of the handle.
The hinges are extruded aluminum, adjustable in three dimensions, multi-point closure and anti-theft option.

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    “ Quality Services & Excellent Work!”

    Materiale de calitate , preturi in tonul pieti.

    Gabriel Balogh


    Am Instalat ceva timp ferestre din aluminiu. Departamentul de vanzari mi-a dat toate detaliile despre geamuri, INstalarea a durat relativ putin iar instalatorii ai facut foarte putin praf.

    Acum ma gandesc sa schimb si usiile .


    Popescu Liviu


    Am apelat la REDACOM SERV . si am fost foarte multumit de calitatea serviciului prestat si atentia pentru detalii . Mentionez ca am avut o experienta dezamagitoare anterior cu o alta firma de termopan gasita pe net si am fost placut surprins de data asta . Multumesc.

    Adrian Troaca
