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With a frame depth of 80 mm, this system responds to the most severe climatic demands, providing an excellent degree of energy efficiency due to the minimum thermal transfer value of the window (UH), that can achieve 0,8 W/m²K.
These minimum values are achieved by a perfectly drawn structure of the thermal barrier area, with 45 mm tubular polyamides and the introduction of cross-linked polyolefin profiles both in the glass perimeter, as well as inside the frame and the layer.

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Technical specifications

Thermal insulation coefficient – U value

Uw up to 0,8 W/m2K (depending on the configuration, dimensions and type of window)
Glazing possibilities: 65 mm

Acoustic isolation

Soundproofing coefficient up to Rw = 46 db
Sections: frame – 80 mm, sash – 88 mm
Thickness: window – 1,5 mm, door – 1.7 mm
Polyamide bar length: – 45 mm
Maximum constructive dimensions (L*H):
1600mm*2600mm (window 1 fold, tiltable)
Maximum weight/layer: 120 kg

Tested performances

Wind resistance (EN 12211:2001): Class C5/B5
Water tightness (EN 1027:2001): Class 9A
Breathability (EN 1026:2001): Class 4
Theft resistance: Safety class RC2 (WK2)


Bicolor possibility
Painted colors (RAL, painted and textured)
Wood imitation paint, antibacterial paint




Hoppe Secustik.
Standard colors: white or brown.
Optional: gold, silver, titanium and cream.


Winkhaus with 3d adjustment.
Masks: Golden Oak, Mahon, Wenge, Walnut and Anthracite Gray (standard);
Optional: ironwork with hidden hinges.

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    “ Quality Services & Excellent Work!”

    Materiale de calitate , preturi in tonul pieti.

    Gabriel Balogh


    Am Instalat ceva timp ferestre din aluminiu. Departamentul de vanzari mi-a dat toate detaliile despre geamuri, INstalarea a durat relativ putin iar instalatorii ai facut foarte putin praf.

    Acum ma gandesc sa schimb si usiile .


    Popescu Liviu


    Am apelat la REDACOM SERV . si am fost foarte multumit de calitatea serviciului prestat si atentia pentru detalii . Mentionez ca am avut o experienta dezamagitoare anterior cu o alta firma de termopan gasita pe net si am fost placut surprins de data asta . Multumesc.

    Adrian Troaca
